Once you have a monthly fee we never change that (unless you want a lower fee and commit to a plan). Service and regular wear and tear we don't take any fees for. We try to be as transparent and simple in our pricing as possible.

The few extra fees that might come up are however:

  • Bike theft/vandalism - deductible of 750 kr (assuming you followed terms and sent us a police report, otherwise 3500)
  • If a part is missing from the bike (e.g. saddle or light) you are welcome to replace it before handing back to a similar one or we will need to charge the replacement cost before cancelling. 
  • If wheels are bent or crooked, we ask you to replace it for 600kr (wheels do not get bent from regular appropriate use, even if bike is +10yrs old)
  • If we cannot draw funds from your card and you don't update to a new one (after several reminders) we will start invoicing with an admin fee of 20kr after 20 days.
  • At times we offer free or discounted delivery of bikes. This does not apply to picking up bikes at end of contract. For this we charge approx. 400 kr

Other: When we are short on bikes (or staff) we enter a starting fee for flexible contracts. These can come and go anytime and is simply a one-time fee to start a flex contract.